Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Grandma's Sleeping! Wake her up!

In January of 2000,  my mom suffered a severe stroke.  She died 5 days after that.  
My twins looked at their grandma on the bed, her eyes still open from death and I heard Marissa ask "What is grandma staring at?"   I quickly went over and put my hands over her eyes and closed them gently.  It was strange feeling her lifelessness.  Cold skin that normally was warm.    I went on to explain to the twins that grandma had passed away, and told them that it was like sleeping.  And that someday Jehovah and Jesus would resurrect her and that we'd see her again.  
The twins were very quiet.  They stuck VERY close to each other for the rest of the day.
It was a day that I won't soon forget. :( :(

My How Time Flies---Four Years Old

These were the twins 4 year portraits.  Had them done at the older kids schools. 

Marissa goes to a special school to help her deal with her disabilities, and then they both go to Head Start.
They loved school!!   

It was just 3 months after these photographs were taken, that their grandma Lokken (my mother of course) died. :(  :(  

Do I Smell A Lawsuit?

When the twins were 2 months old they rec'd their normal immunizations.   But Marissa's reaction wasn't normal.  She screamed bloody murder for hours upon hours.   She ran a very high fever.  I ended up bringing her into the doctor, and he said that she should NOT have the DTP immunization anymore, because she had a sensitivity to it. 

When they were 4 months old, they both rec'd their normal immunizations, only Marissa this time got the DTaP immunization with no side effects.  Thank goodness. 
When they were 5 months old, I decided to change doctors AND clinics. BAD IDEA!!!

The female doctor that we had... her nurse... was a complete moron!!  I told her specifically that Marissa was NOT to have the DTP immunization because she was sensitive to it!  My mom was with me.    I found out later, that Marissa had rec'd the WRONG immunization!!!   The result!?!?!?!?!      Very high fever, screaming non stop for hours (while I cried because I'd felt guilty that I didn't insist on seeing the vial!), and ... she started having seizures.   It wasn't until she turned 11, that the seizures stopped completely.  She was on Depakote for over 10 years, because of stupid medical persons.   

I tried suing later on, and the lawyer I tried to hire said that there was NO proof that the immunization caused Marissa's brain damage.   (She's cognitively delayed & is about 7-8 years old mentally and emotionally)   That it could've been the cysts on the brain.   Yeah RIGHT!!!   

WHY did she do that to her pretty hair?

The twins were just 3 1/2 when Marissa decided to take it upon her self to cut her hair.  The side of her hair anyways.    I couldn't believe it when I saw her beautiful long blonde hair cut off on one side of her head.  I felt like crying.   
I took her to my best friend, Andrea's  to have her hair fixed, because it looked so awful.   The results..?? 
A mullet for a 3 1/2 year old.  LOL

Caitlyn & Marissa (Mullet Girl)

They did WHAT to my bathroom?

I was on the phone like usual with my best friend, Andrea (Andee), talking like we usually did.  I noticed that the twins were awfully quiet.  So, I go in search of them in the house, telling Andee that I'll call her right back.
I finally caught up to them in the bathroom downstairs.  My jaw dropped, and quickly clenched my hand over my mouth, so that the twins won't see him laughing or even smiling.  What they did... was BAD!  And I had to show them that they couldn't do that.
What had they done?
They had snuck a jar of peanut butter from the kitchen and had finger painted each other. (Body and hair), along with the bathroom shower wall and tub.   They were just 2 1/2.   I maintained my composure and took the jar of peanut butter away from them and told them that that was naughty, while TRYING my hardest NOT to laugh!!!
(To this day, I wish I would've had a camera!!)   I start the bath water, and put the jar of PB back in the kitchen and quickly return to find the twins undressing and getting into the tub. It took me about 30 minutes to get all of the PB out of their hair.  (LOL)   I had a long talk with them, that that was naughty, that we don't waste food and we don't make messes like that.
After they were dried off and dressed, I gave him sponges and paper towels and made them clean up their messes.  

To this day, I think about this and I can't help but laugh.

Lesson to be learned?   Don't EVER underestimate the power of two minds.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just a short comparison... Newborn photo Vs. Now photo

Need To Call Him

I was just looking back on the twins scrapbook, and can't believe how many pictures are missing.  I'm assuming that my ex husband, Wayne, has them in his storage unit in Sparta.  I need to get those pictures back.   Along with some other things. :)  
Anyways, it's really strange looking at pictures of Caitlyn and Marissa when they were Isabel's age.  Because just a few months later is when I had Isabel.   Where does all the time go???
In just 3 years, Marissa and Caitlyn will be 18.  *sighs*    It really stinks getting older. lol