Sunday, October 24, 2010

You Have To Operate?

After a visit with a dermatologist it was decided that Caitlyn would have the cyst removed above her right eye, because it was getting larger and larger.      Back at home, I heard that Marissa was very inconsolable, and later I found out it was the twin bonding thing.   Just like at 2 months , Marissa would start crying when Caitlyn got her shots.
I waited in Caitlyn's room..  She was just short of 18 months.  I was so worried because I'd heard that sometimes young children don't wake up from the anesthesia. It took them about an hour, before the nurse came back and informed us that the operation went well and that she'd be back in her room shortly.

When I saw her small little body with wires and an IV in her arm, I almost fell apart.  But I knew that I had to be strong for her.  18 month olds don't understand what's going on.

When she woke up, she was happy to see me.  And immediately she wanted in my lap.

Caitlyn (back)  Marissa (front)  Just a little past a year old

A New Portrait Was Taken When The Twins were 1

Jennifer, Ryan, Kristina, Caitlyn and Marissa

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