Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Grandma's Sleeping! Wake her up!

In January of 2000,  my mom suffered a severe stroke.  She died 5 days after that.  
My twins looked at their grandma on the bed, her eyes still open from death and I heard Marissa ask "What is grandma staring at?"   I quickly went over and put my hands over her eyes and closed them gently.  It was strange feeling her lifelessness.  Cold skin that normally was warm.    I went on to explain to the twins that grandma had passed away, and told them that it was like sleeping.  And that someday Jehovah and Jesus would resurrect her and that we'd see her again.  
The twins were very quiet.  They stuck VERY close to each other for the rest of the day.
It was a day that I won't soon forget. :( :(

My How Time Flies---Four Years Old

These were the twins 4 year portraits.  Had them done at the older kids schools. 

Marissa goes to a special school to help her deal with her disabilities, and then they both go to Head Start.
They loved school!!   

It was just 3 months after these photographs were taken, that their grandma Lokken (my mother of course) died. :(  :(  

Do I Smell A Lawsuit?

When the twins were 2 months old they rec'd their normal immunizations.   But Marissa's reaction wasn't normal.  She screamed bloody murder for hours upon hours.   She ran a very high fever.  I ended up bringing her into the doctor, and he said that she should NOT have the DTP immunization anymore, because she had a sensitivity to it. 

When they were 4 months old, they both rec'd their normal immunizations, only Marissa this time got the DTaP immunization with no side effects.  Thank goodness. 
When they were 5 months old, I decided to change doctors AND clinics. BAD IDEA!!!

The female doctor that we had... her nurse... was a complete moron!!  I told her specifically that Marissa was NOT to have the DTP immunization because she was sensitive to it!  My mom was with me.    I found out later, that Marissa had rec'd the WRONG immunization!!!   The result!?!?!?!?!      Very high fever, screaming non stop for hours (while I cried because I'd felt guilty that I didn't insist on seeing the vial!), and ... she started having seizures.   It wasn't until she turned 11, that the seizures stopped completely.  She was on Depakote for over 10 years, because of stupid medical persons.   

I tried suing later on, and the lawyer I tried to hire said that there was NO proof that the immunization caused Marissa's brain damage.   (She's cognitively delayed & is about 7-8 years old mentally and emotionally)   That it could've been the cysts on the brain.   Yeah RIGHT!!!   

WHY did she do that to her pretty hair?

The twins were just 3 1/2 when Marissa decided to take it upon her self to cut her hair.  The side of her hair anyways.    I couldn't believe it when I saw her beautiful long blonde hair cut off on one side of her head.  I felt like crying.   
I took her to my best friend, Andrea's  to have her hair fixed, because it looked so awful.   The results..?? 
A mullet for a 3 1/2 year old.  LOL

Caitlyn & Marissa (Mullet Girl)

They did WHAT to my bathroom?

I was on the phone like usual with my best friend, Andrea (Andee), talking like we usually did.  I noticed that the twins were awfully quiet.  So, I go in search of them in the house, telling Andee that I'll call her right back.
I finally caught up to them in the bathroom downstairs.  My jaw dropped, and quickly clenched my hand over my mouth, so that the twins won't see him laughing or even smiling.  What they did... was BAD!  And I had to show them that they couldn't do that.
What had they done?
They had snuck a jar of peanut butter from the kitchen and had finger painted each other. (Body and hair), along with the bathroom shower wall and tub.   They were just 2 1/2.   I maintained my composure and took the jar of peanut butter away from them and told them that that was naughty, while TRYING my hardest NOT to laugh!!!
(To this day, I wish I would've had a camera!!)   I start the bath water, and put the jar of PB back in the kitchen and quickly return to find the twins undressing and getting into the tub. It took me about 30 minutes to get all of the PB out of their hair.  (LOL)   I had a long talk with them, that that was naughty, that we don't waste food and we don't make messes like that.
After they were dried off and dressed, I gave him sponges and paper towels and made them clean up their messes.  

To this day, I think about this and I can't help but laugh.

Lesson to be learned?   Don't EVER underestimate the power of two minds.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just a short comparison... Newborn photo Vs. Now photo

Need To Call Him

I was just looking back on the twins scrapbook, and can't believe how many pictures are missing.  I'm assuming that my ex husband, Wayne, has them in his storage unit in Sparta.  I need to get those pictures back.   Along with some other things. :)  
Anyways, it's really strange looking at pictures of Caitlyn and Marissa when they were Isabel's age.  Because just a few months later is when I had Isabel.   Where does all the time go???
In just 3 years, Marissa and Caitlyn will be 18.  *sighs*    It really stinks getting older. lol

My Famous Twins

We were at the Family Harbor Resource Center when a newspaper reporter and his photographer were there.   He asked if it was okay if he took a picture of the twins, and then took a snap shot. It was in the newspaper just a day or two later.   :)

That sure flew by fast!! My babies aren't babies anymore...

Marissa and Caitlyn are two years old.  Can't believe how fast time went by.
Marissa is a little bit behind developmentally and so is receiving services from Birth to Three, and has been since age 1.  I miss her when she's gone for 3 hours.  :(

Gone were the days of the sleepless nights.   Having to wake BOTH babies, so that I could try to get some sleep and not have one baby get fed and changed, then an hour later have the other baby wake up and want to be fed.

Caitlyn -- My arm was caught in the background (lol)


You Have To Operate?

After a visit with a dermatologist it was decided that Caitlyn would have the cyst removed above her right eye, because it was getting larger and larger.      Back at home, I heard that Marissa was very inconsolable, and later I found out it was the twin bonding thing.   Just like at 2 months , Marissa would start crying when Caitlyn got her shots.
I waited in Caitlyn's room..  She was just short of 18 months.  I was so worried because I'd heard that sometimes young children don't wake up from the anesthesia. It took them about an hour, before the nurse came back and informed us that the operation went well and that she'd be back in her room shortly.

When I saw her small little body with wires and an IV in her arm, I almost fell apart.  But I knew that I had to be strong for her.  18 month olds don't understand what's going on.

When she woke up, she was happy to see me.  And immediately she wanted in my lap.

Caitlyn (back)  Marissa (front)  Just a little past a year old

A New Portrait Was Taken When The Twins were 1

Jennifer, Ryan, Kristina, Caitlyn and Marissa

Nothing is more important than family...

Ryan with his little sisters, Caitlyn and Marissa 
(I usually dressed Caitlyn in blue and Marissa in pink) 

Kristina, Ryan, Caitlyn, Jennifer & Marissa on Family Fun Day 1996

More Matching Outfits --

I had so much fun picking out matching outfits for the girls.  I got so many stares and compliments when I went out in public with them dressed alike. :)  

Marissa taking a nap  & Caitlyn  -- 9 months

Marissa & Caitlyn-- 9 months old 
Identical outfits just different colors :)

Six Month Portraits

I decided that it was about time that I had the twins portraits done professionally, so I went to Kmart in Onalaska with my good friend, Anita.   She made the adorable head bands that matched the twins dresses. 
The photographer was very good at her job, as you can tell by the photographs below. :)
You can also see the cyst above Caitlyn's right eye is really starting to get noticeable. 
We see a specialist about it in a month or two. 

It was during Marissa's 6th month, that she had an ultrasound to check on the cyst on her ovary.  I was so relieved to find that it had disappeared. :) :)  

♥ Twin Bonding Photo

It's a TWIN BOND thing... You wouldn't understand... 

The twins holding hands when they were just 3 1/2 months old.    Marissa suddenly grabbed Caitlyn's hand and I quickly snapped a photograph. 
It's funny, because Marissa relied on Caitlyn for a good many years after this. lol.  Now that they're 15,  they can't stand each other.   I miss the bond that they once shared. I hope that one day... They'll find that bond again. 

Three months old

Just one of the many matching outfits that the twins had when they were little. 
Sorry about some of the photos that I've posted.  They weren't as protected as I'd wanted them to be, so they have marks on them. :(

Marissa & Caitlyn -- 3 months old

I made it to 2 months!!!!!

I couldn't believe that I actually survived all those sleepless nights, and millions of diaper changes, and feedings.  The twins were now 2 months old.  Caitlyn was sleeping pretty good now through out the night, but Marissa always wanted mommy to hold her.  
It was at this time, that we noticed the cyst growing on Caitlyn's head above her right eye.  You can vaguely make it out in her photographs. 
It's funny, how I wrote the twins names on their photographs.  I wanted to keep track who was who, though they were fraternal twins. :)

Marissa--  2 months old

Marissa - 2 months old 

Caitlyn -- 2 months old

Caitlyn- 2 months old

Marissa & Caitlyn --  2 months

I had twins? Say what?

My older kids were very happy when I came home from the hospital.  They wanted to immediately hold the babies.  But I decided to wait a while for that.   The first month to me... is all a blur.  I had my mom staying with me, helping me get the three oldest kids ready for school in the morning.  And cleaning, plus helping with the twins.   I breastfed the twins for the first few months of their life, subbing with bottles when I felt the need.
My then husband and I were NOT on good terms.

The pediatrician told me that since Marissa had the cyst on her ovary before birth that they'd check it again.   They did with an ultrasound and it was still there, and that I should keep an eye on her.  If she started to suddenly scream, that I should bring her in immediately, because the cyst probably burst.  :(   He said that we'd recheck it at 6 months. 

Kristina with Caitlyn

Marissa & Caitlyn


The Big "D" Day Was Finally Here!

I walked into Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center on September 6, 1995, so excited to finally be getting the whole pregnancy thing over with.  I was 39 weeks and 5 days. It was early morning, so that the doctor could induce me. I was happy to see the midwife, Paula Murphy was there too. 
I had told them that I wanted the midwife to deliver the twins and have Dr. Peck there in case I needed a C Section.    
After I had the midwife broke my water, labor kicked in pretty heavy.  My niece, Sandy, was there with my friend, Anita.  They were my coaches and really helped me through 9 hours of labor.   

At 3:20, Marissa was born.   At 3:29 Caitlyn was born, whining loudly.  It was so cute and funny. 
No complications.   It was the perfect textbook delivery. :)    Marissa weighed in at 6# 15 oz and Caitlyn came in close at 6# 8 oz.   They were both around 20 inches.

Marissa & Caitlyn's Newborn Hospital Photo

I CAN'T take this anymore!

I was in my 39th week, when I finally called Dr. Peck, and told him that I couldn't stand being pregnant anymore.  That I wanted to be induced.  I couldn't sleep. I have having pain shooting up my neck, down my neck. I was having A LOT of sciatic pain.  I was so miserable!!

You see... Women who carry twins USUALLY ALWAYS go into labor in the 35th week.  NOT me.  Nope.  My twins didn't want to come out.

Anyways, Dr. Peck said that he didn't do inductions on Tuesdays , but on Thursdays he would.   I told him that I could hold out until Thursday.  There was light at the end of the tunnel.   To this day I can remember feeling miserable, and yet happy that I was going to have the twins out of me.  

Thursday morning...  I showed up at the hospital bright and early.  I couldn't WAIT to get my body back to just me. lol

NO RIDING BIKES! -- A Funny Memory

No riding your bike anymore, is what the midwife told me.   I looked at her puzzled, before she laughed and said "Drivers see you riding around on the bike, they stare at you and they won't watch the traffic. You'll cause an accident."  (lol)    I was 36 weeks.  And if you looked at the photo of me below... you'll see what she meant. I was HUGE!!    I measured 48 inches at 36 weeks.

There's ONE head and there's ANOTHER! SAY WHAT!??!

When I found out at 18 1/2 weeks, through a routine ultrasound, that I was pregnant with not one baby but TWO, I was shocked.  But a part of me should've known that something was up.  For the first 4 months of pregnancy, I was so sick.  And so exhausted all of the time. I'd fall asleep in the middle of a conversation with my mom. (lol)  I found out that one of the babies was a girl (Baby A later named Marissa), but baby B had it's legs closed and wouldn't let us see what sex it was.  I already had three children at home. And also at the ultrasound with me.  They of course were very happy.  Jennifer,7, Kristina, 5, and Ryan, 3, were very excited when they heard that there were two babies inside of mom's belly. 
But... Right away something concerned the ultrasound technician, but she wouldn't tell me. It was later that day, with an appointment with the midwife that it was revealed that my babies had cysts on their brains.   I later met with a genetics counselor, where she said that my babies had a 1-5% chance that my babies would be born with Trisomy 18.

I then talked to the high risk doctor (Dr. Peck), who said that I should have an amniocentesis. I told him ,No, that I would not risk having my babies miscarry.  That if there was something wrong with them, that we would deal with it later.  The doctor was upset with me for not having the amniocentesis , but I didn't let it bother me.

When I had another ultrasound at 28 weeks, it was shown that the cysts had dissipated from the babies brains, but there was one a cyst in Baby A's (Marissa) abdomen about 2 inches wide.  It was shown that it was on her ovary.  I also found out that Baby B was a girl. So twin fraternal girls.  I decided on the names Marissa Elizabeth, and Caitlyn Sara. 

Me pregnant with my fraternal twins, Marissa and Caitlyn at my baby shower--  36 weeks along

My mom, Irene, checking out two identical girls outfits that I rec'd at my baby shower.   (She passed away in January 2000)